MB USA AMG Web Configurator

Compositing of short full cg snippets to complement the line of online car configurators for vehicles such as the Mercedes SLS AMG.
Mackevision, Stuttgart.

Jeep Grand Cherokee Web Configurator

Compositing of full cg web content for Jeep’s dedicated mini-site for their new flagship car.
Mackevision, Stuttgart.

The Sandman and the Lost Sand of Dreams

Roto, paint, basic vfx, particle sims and compositing with a small but brilliant team of enthusiastic artists.
animagix, Cologne, Stuttgart & Leipzig.

Bosch HUD Auto Show Presentation

Set supervision, animation and comp for a number of clips to introduce Bosch’s take on the future of automotive’s display technology.
gk4, Ludwigsburg

Lurgi Online Ad Clips

Photography and editing of a number of clips for the client’s recruiting website.
rms, Stuttgart.


A hand-drawn animated short film. The idea had spooked around in my head for some time, and when gk4, Ludwigsburg, offered to buy the piece for a digital greeting card to their clients, I finally got it done. You can watch it on vimeo.

Bosch Technical Presentation Intro Movie

Comp and motion design. Full cg content for an extensive interactive Flash piece.
gk4, Ludwigsburg.

Evobus Online Clip

More full cg clips to complete the Evobus / Mercedes-Benz lineup.
gk4, Ludwigsburg.

Bosch Digital Speedometer Animation

Motion design for several different takes on what displays in cars might look like in the future.
gk4, Ludwigsburg.

rms online advent calendar

Editing and grading of a series of clips for the company’s interactive advent calendar.
rms, Stuttgart.