Division VFX Supervisor – an expansive cg city and matte paintings for an aerial fight sequence, some cgfx, and faerie wings.
Pixomondo, Stuttgart

Division VFX Supervisor – an expansive cg city and matte paintings for an aerial fight sequence, some cgfx, and faerie wings.
Pixomondo, Stuttgart
VFX Supervisor – 2D and 3D set extensions, crowds, many invisible fx, digital makeup and enhancements.
Pixomondo, Stuttgart
Division VFX Supervisor – hero ships, asteroids, planets, shuttles, red angles, time rifts and a place on the bridge.
Pixomondo, Stuttgart
Division VFX Supervisor – magical fire, water, miraculous plants, an evil witch puking toads, and wide-flying digi doubles.
Pixomondo, Stuttgart
Full-cg environments and set extensions, rolling cities, elements and plate integration, particles, voxels, and deeps. Lots and lots of deeps.
Weta Digital, Wellington
Look dev, animation and comp templates for some screen inserts/mgfx, a photogrammetry-like point cloud world, and a sniper scope.
Pixomondo, Stuttgart
Keying, roto, CG elements and environments integration for a brief Quantum Realm sequence.
Industrial Light & Magic, Singapore
A dream come true. Blasters, AT walkers, droids, stormtroopers, light sabers’ smaller cousins, and Chewbacca.
Industrial Light & Magic, Singapore
Early look dev to final comp of a few Wayne Manor shots. Roto, paint, keying, cg environments, atmos, digital makeup.
Pixomondo, Stuttgart
Sequence Lead for a partially cg white walker in the season finale. Also, compositing of some environment shots of Dragonstone in the rain.
Pixomondo, Stuttgart